“Really, Tanner? Your sister? You know I hate to go girl.” Zak complained. “You said if we bring you any 21-year-old ID you could get us booze.” Tanner reminded. “And Abby turned 21 in May. You can get it right?” “Ugh… fine. You just want to see my big tits” Zak grabbed the ID. “I mean that’s a bonus,” Curtis said. “Abby is fucking stacked, too.” “Gross, man. That’s my sister.” Tanner said. “Here’s the list, Zak. Make sure you get the Fireball. That’s my favorite.” “Whatever you say, Tanner.” Zak took a deep breath and his pants climbed up his legs turning into a pair of cutoff denim shorts while his jacket shrunk and turned into a grey tank top. He looked really goofy for a second before he shrunk 5 inches, his hips popped out, his ass filled out, and his hair grew long and blonde and his face became dainty.
His face went beet red and he bit his tongue as the bugle behind the shorts disappeared. And after another deep breath, two huge mounds of flesh gurgled out from behind his nipples. He shivered, shaking his head, as his tits reached E-cups. “Ugh, fuck that shit. I hate that feeling.” Abby’s voice came out of Zak. “God damn, Zak.” Curtis was nearly drooling. “Can I… touch one?” “What? No!” Zak and Tanner said in synch. “Those are my sister’s tits, Curtis. Get a hold of yourself.” Tanner scoffed. “Oh what, so you let Zak grow her tits on his own body but you won’t let me get one little feel?” Curtis asked. “That hardly seems fair.” “Hey man, I didn’t ask to grow these tits. I’m doing us a favor, remember? Don’t forget the whole point of this is to get some booze.” Zak turned around and swayed his hips into the corner store, making a beeline for the liquor locker. He immediately attracted the attention of the 20-something dude behind the counter, who walked up to meet him. “Hello, ma’am, can I help you find anything today?” He salivated.