While scientists around the world struggled to build humanoid robots a small genetics company in the north of Sweden named Framtida Genetisk patented the first of the Ersatz artificial humans.…
Oh God, I’m A Bimbo!
Harry was not having a good day. His wife had found out that he was having an affair with Sarah. And now Sarah knew that Harry meant it literally when…
Back to School
Martin was a career criminal who'd eluded the law for over ten years thanks to his brains, and his luck, but eventually his luck ran out, and for all his…
No Turning Back
It started as a bit of fun, 28-year-old Paul liked dressing up as a girl and when he got divorced it gave him lots more time to indulge his passion.…
Renters Remade
Tiffany and Amber stared at their landlord Derek's cock hungrily. Somewhere in the back of both girls' minds, they realized there was something important to do with penises, that they…