In a short blue skirt Paul was sitting on the lap of the new owner and CEO of the small private airline he’d spent the past 10 years at as one of their flight attendants. When the company changed hands there were some immediate changes announced. The only one Paul was concerned about was the change to their policy concerning attendants. There were to be strict guidelines for attendants’ uniforms with no exceptions. All attendants would be required to comply. Once they were finally put out in a new handbook the only other male attendant quit. After reading the handbook Paul decided he wouldn’t quit but step up his plan to transition and maybe it would work out. If not he would continue as his new self elsewhere.
He went to Gloria who ran their personnel department and told her of his plan and the requested name change to his records. He then took 3 weeks of his built-up unused vacation time. He was surprised to receive a call from Gloria informing him that the CEO wanted to meet with him before he was to return to work. Paris was a bit nervous the morning of the meet but she’d been dressing for a long time so getting ready was almost automatic. In fact, now that she had the extensions put in and her new hair color it was easier than ever. Harvey Winston was impressed. The smile he gave Paris as he asked her to fix them both a drink and then sit with him allowed her to relax a bit. He told her that unless she just loved flying he had visions of a new job for her. They will be expanding the fleet of planes soon and he’d like her to be the trainer for all new attendants. He said that way you’ll be in town more and we can get better acquainted. Paris smiled saying I’d like that…